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Family Care Uganda

Family Care Uganda was founded in 2009 as a fully self-sustained project for orphans in Gulu who were born to child soldiers during the war. They have developed a horticultural farm, housing and a school for the children, and hope to bring alternative ideas for poverty eradication to the local communities in the area.  In addition to academic training and sports, the students are also taught animal husbandry and farming - allowing them to contribute to the sucess of the school and broaden their skill set.

  Read more about Family Care Uganda

Safe Haven for Refugees

Safe Haven for Refugees is a group of concerned individuals who have come together to provide lifelines and support for the most desperate cases of refugee families in southern Turkey - especially widows and orphans. We focus on immediate aid to rescue these most vulnerable families by providing finances for one year’s rent of safe housing and regular food assistance, followed by guidance towards attaining stability and self-sufficiency. We understand that life-changing financial assistance for desperate refugee situations is not huge, and actually within our capabilities. Read more about Safe Haven for Refugees

Sponsor a Book - International

Sponsor A Book, Africa has gone global with their mission to put books, teaching aids and character building materials into schools, churches, social centers and homes for women and children. While they still continue their work in Sierra Leon and Liberia, Africa, Sponsor a Book volunteers have hosted Sponsor a Book events in India, Croatia and Mexico.  

Read on for updates on their travels and life changing programs.  Read more about Sponsor a Book - International

Activated Ministries Scholarships

Spring 2020 was our 10-year anniversary of the Activated Ministries’ In Recognition of Service Scholarship program, providing tuition assistance to the children of current and former missionaries.  We have given 410 scholarships for a total of $397,000.  Scholarships have gone to students in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Canada, China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Italy, UK, Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Uganda, South Africa. Read more about Activated Ministries Scholarships

Values in Education, India

Values in Education is a holistic educational program developed in response to the need for moral, character and social development for preschool and primary school aged children in India. This four-part program is designed to have maximum reach by enhancing institutions and schools dedicated to the care and education of underserved children in the core subject of value education; moral, character and social development. Read more about Values in Education, India

Family Services India

At Family Services India, the primary focus is on training and instructing the youth. FSI volunteers have been conducting regular training camps, seminars, and motivational workshops for young people. These teenagers have all expressed a desire to engage in full time missionary service for the good of their fellow man, and have been helping out in the community whenever they can. Read more about Family Services India

Asian Tsunami Relief

On December 26th, 2004, the Asian Tsunami struck and left over 230,000 dead in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India. Volunteers from these countries immediately lept into action, bringing relief and comfort to the victims of this tradgedy.  Read more about Asian Tsunami Relief

Tohoku Relief Mission

On March 11th, 2011, what eventually became known as the Great East Japan Earthquake struck off the coast of Miyagi prefecture, spawning a massive tsunami that wiped out a 600 kilometer stretch of the Sanriku coastline, and triggering a nuclear meltdown at the Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant. In response to this unprecedented tragedy, TFI members, friends, and other concerned individuals from across the country began working together to provide support for the victims in any way possible. Read more about Tohoku Relief Mission

Healing Hearts in Serbia and Kosavo

Healing Hearts in the Balkans has been bringing much-needed education and spiritual learning material to schools within the war-torn areas of Serbia and Kosovo. Activated Ministries has sponsored the production and printing of children's books that are distributed during these trips. Read more about Healing Hearts in Serbia and Kosavo

Help for the Andes

Help for the Andes foundation has been working directly with coordinating relief efforts since the earthquake, which took place in Chile on the 27th of February 2010.  Read more about Help for the Andes

Migrant worker outreach, Florida

Volunteers in Homestead, Florida, have been ministering to a large amount of migrant workers who live in different communities and work in outlying farms and nurseries. Most are from Mexico and Central America. These communities are usually linked to different local and national social services to help them with housing, education and children needs. Each Christmas, the volunteers reach out to a different community and put on a special Christmas event. Read more about Migrant worker outreach, Florida

Fiji Outreach

A small volunteer team has been coming to Fiji every year for five years now, reaching not only the Fiji islands, but also the surrounding island countries such as Vanuatu, Samoa and Tonga. During this time they've conducted numerous programs in schools, colleges and prisons, as well as carrying out some book distribution projects in poor village schools. Read more about Fiji Outreach

SAFE Teen Program

SAFE Teens in San Antonio, Texas have conducted several camps designed to empower youth. As they enter their last year of being a teen and will then step into the reality of adult life, this event provides opportunity to discuss the future – their future. Read more about SAFE Teen Program

Family Care Indonesia

Volunteers at Family Care Indonesia have distributed Activated Ministries sponsored books to remote villages all over Indonesia. In addition, they have also conducted education seminars aimed at equipping teachers to empower and motivate their students to learn positive moral values. Read more about Family Care Indonesia

Family Care Cambodia

In partnership with Activated Ministries, volunteers from Family Care Cambodia have donated specially printed books free to schools, children’s shelters, orphanages, pediatric hospitals and special schools for the deaf both in the capital of Phnom Penh and several rural provinces as well. Read more about Family Care Cambodia

Extra Mile - Missions in Ghana

Volunteers from Extra Mile in Ghana conduct Bible studies and missionary training programs to young Christians from neighboring countries in West Africa. Activated Ministries has been pleased to support their work through providing the book and programs needed for these traning seminars. Extra Mile, together with Activated Ministries,  has also provides much needed supplies, such as computers and other materials, to needy schools and villages in rural Ghana. Read more about Extra Mile - Missions in Ghana

Connect Vision Foundation, Columbia

The Las Arenitas preschool education center is located in one of the many violence-threatened neighborhoods in Bogota, Columbia. Volunteers at Connect Vision Foundation have been visiting this center weekly to conduct Bible classes and activities for the children. Read more about Connect Vision Foundation, Columbia

Chile Outreach

Volunteers have used the Christmas season as a way to reach the children of Chile with the message of God’s love for the last 12 years. The volunteers hold Christmas parties to sing carols, tell the story of the first Christmas, have refreshments and then give out toys to the children. Read more about Chile Outreach

Association CEEU, Brazil

Association CEEU has been bringing social assistance to one hundred families who live on the peripheries of the city of Maranguape, in the State of the Ceará, Brazil. Read more about Association CEEU, Brazil

Arriba las Manos

Arriba las Manos volunteers have been assisting the impoverished community of Ararca for several years. Ararca is a small island enclave 50 kilometers from Cartagena, Colombia. The village was formed over 200 years ago by runaway slaves, and since then this community of over 1,200 people has struggled to meet its most basic needs. Read more about Arriba las Manos
