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More Ik Students Arrive

Last year we brought 12 Ik students from remote mountain villages. The first round of students are doing very well, having adjusted beautifully and are very appreciative of the opportunity to gain an education.  In the past, Ik youth have tried studying in Karamoja, the surrounding area, however, they have to endure bullying and poor treatment by their aggresive neighbors. So getting to attend the Family Care Uganda School where they can learn and excel without hindrance is a real Godsend to these beautiful people.

Last month we traveled back to Ik territory to pick up students who had gone home on holidays and to bring down new students who are now old enough to attend our boarding school. 

This group of Ik parents and 4 students (pictured) started walking on Monday morning from one of the most distant mountains in the background. They walked all day, rested briefly then walked from dawn to past dusk again the next day. The remarkable (and sad) thing, is their tribe is so poor, they traveled the whole distance without eating a single thing. Ik tribe people almost always eat one meal a day, but their motivation and endurance is incredible! ... and they don't complain! That was 140km round trip!

Everyone was so excited and happy to see their children getting such a chance! They had a whole spontaneous singing troupe in front of the vehicles as they were taking off!  It was so nice having mothers and fathers celebrating, ululating and singing and thanking God as their children started off down the mountain...towards the hope of a better education.

By Robin Yamaguchi