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Mission to the Dominican Republic

John Orcutt

Amor En Acción is a volunteer nonprofit organization located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Members of Amor En Acción come from the worldwide Christian missionary movement “The Family International”. Every year our volunteers make a special trip to the Dominican Republic. The purpose of the trip is to bring aid in the form of donated clothing, toys for the children, educational materials for the schools, as well as spiritual encouragement and strengthening.

During March of this year, our volunteers made this special trip. In previous years we had sent two or three adult volunteers but this time we decided that it would be a good life experience for our children to accompany their parents on this mission trip. And so, aside from the usual volunteers, we also sent along two fathers, each one with their oldest sons, both age 11. The boys were able to experience firsthand the joys that come from giving to others and also gain greater appreciation for the many privileges that are easy to take for granted, such as sleeping in their own beds, enjoying hot water, eating three square meals a day, and having all of their needs met and most of their wants as well.

We would like to say a big thank you toActivated Ministries for donating the free coloring books which we distributed to over 200 children in seven different schools and churches on the island. We’ve only made a small dent in all there is to do but we know that with the faithful support of different organizations and companies who share our vision – such as Activated Ministries – we can accomplish much.