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Detroit volunteers

Volunteers in Detoit, Michigan have been ministering to their community for many years by visiting hospitals, homeless centers, Salvation Army centers and drug rehabilitation centers.

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Recent Events

The Michigan Cancer Institute

Paloma Barcelo

In one of the top, most prestigious cancer research and treatment facilities in the country you will find some of the most broken people, in need of love and a comfort that cannot be found in the medicines of modern science. Read more about The Michigan Cancer Institute

A special gift for the struggling in Michigan

Paloma Barcelo

Here at our Family International Southeast Michigan chapter, fellow missionaries and I had noticed the effects of homelessness in the community growing for sometime. Over the last few years more families have moved out of the neighborhoods here in Michigan. Families with children account for 38% of the homeless population. We felt that though each situation was unique and so many needs were beyond us, there was a need that we could fill – that of friendship and faith. Read more about A special gift for the struggling in Michigan