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Mothers in Crisis Protected by Saints

“This calendar has been my only inspiration since the day I arrived here” commented a mother whose name and picture can’t be mentioned due to the fact that she along with her children are in hiding from abusive family members. “I am so happy to now have one of my own!” This feedback was one of many that made our efforts worth it, a sign that no matter how big a project, even a little motivational gift can be significant.

The center runs now for over a decade since the civil war in X Yugoslavia, being a shelter to victims of family violence, offering a safe haven and helping them find a new life.

One of the centers heroes is Sister Suzana; a nun that has devoted her life in service to these women. Her biggest challenge besides funding and the running of the center, is to keep the woman and children motivated, giving them hope that their lives will be better, that life will go on. Activated Ministries has made a touching impact in the lives of these women, through the donation of all spiritual and motivational books, which Sister Suzana also testifies, are the perfect gifts for these families.